What is Installatron Plugin?
Installatron Plugin (this tool) is an auto-installer, or "web application installer". Auto-installers are web hosting tools that facilitate the installing, upgrading and general use of web applications.
Deutschehost, Installatron Plugin, and the developers of these projects hope you find these web applications useful.
Technical Information
The software is installed in your hosting account as a collection of files and directories.
The amount of space required depends on the application, but can range from a few kilobytes to upward of 60 megabytes.
Many applications also require a database to store additional data. MySQL is the most common database system used in web hosting but many systems are available. Installatron Plugin handles the database setup and configuration for you.
Community Building
Community Building includes forum systems (also known as bulletin boards), guestbooks, and mailing list applications.
phpBB is a high powered, fully scalable, and highly customisable open-source bulletin board package. Whether you want to stay in touch with a small group of friends or are looking to set up a large multi-category board for a corporate website, phpBB has the features you need built-in.
Newer users will appreciate phpBB's extensive administration panel, which allows the customisation of even the most intricate features without having to edit code directly while advanced users will value the ease with which phpBB can be integrated into existing systems.
MediaWiki is a feature-rich wiki implementation, and is used to power Wikipedia and many other wikis.
Features:- Look and feel: MediaWiki's user interface is customizable through the use of skins.
- Keeping track of edits: With MediaWiki, it's easy to revert an entry to a previous state. MediaWiki keeps track of all edits.
- Structures and syntax: A full set of commands are supported which enable elements such as sortable tables to be embedded into entries.
- Spam and vandalism: Prevent link spamming, and other forms of abusive editing.
- Discussions: Each user (including every anonymous user) and every article has an associated page where messages can be posted.
- Permissions and user groups: Multiple user groups and editing permissions for each are supported.
- Search: Full search capabilities and numerous special report pages are available.
- Multimedia and extensions: Multimedia files can be uploaded and attached to wiki entries
Vanilla Forums
Vanilla Forums is an open-source, pluggable, themable, multi-lingual community-building solution. It is specially made to help small communities grow larger through SEO mojo, totally customizable social tools, and great user experience. Vanilla is also built with integration at the forefront, so it can seamlessly integrate with your existing website, blog, or custom-built application.
FluxBB is designed as a lighter, faster alternative to some of the traditional feature heavy forum applications. It is easy to use and has a proven track record of stability and security making it an ideal choice of forum for your website.
Features:- Easy to use: Simplicity is the key. Featuring a beautiful, clean interface, FluxBB is focused completely on ease-of-use and usability.
- Blazing speed: FluxBB focuses on the most essential features a forum needs and comes without the bloat many other systems bring along, so that you can enjoy the speed.
- Clean admin interface: Take full control over your forum, easily editing permissions, changing board-wide options and rearranging the structure of your forum.
- Flexible permission system: FluxBB comes with a flexible permission system designed to give you full control over your user groups. Allow them to view different sections of your forum, give privileged users moderator status (multiple moderator groups are supported).
- Powerful moderator tools: Administer your board with ease using powerful moderator tools to manage users, banning, censoring, reported posts, forums and topics. Do it yourself or delegate these tasks to moderators as you see fit.
Content Management
Content Management Systems (CMS) are applications designed to manage dynamic content for websites.
All CMS applications have the ability to manage news or blogs and all include a templating system that allows the appearance/style of web pages to be controlled. The more advanced applications can include a near endless list of additional features, including: categories; commenting; user logins; polls; statistics; file managers; FAQ managers; and so on.
CMS applications generally fit into the following loose categories: Blogs (also known as weblogs), CMSs, Portals (modular features that can be added into a standard three-column page layout), and Frameworks (do-it-yourself systems).
WordPress is a personal publishing platform and blogging application with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability.
Drupal is a publishing platform created for building dynamic web sites offering a broad range of features and services. Drupal can support a diverse range of web projects ranging from personal weblogs to large community-driven and corporate sites. Use as-is or snap in any of thousands of free designs and plug-ins for rapid site assembly. Developers love our well-documented APIs. Designers love our flexibility. Site administrators love our limitless scalability.
TYPO3 is an enterprise-class, Open Source CMS (Content Management System), used internationally to build and manage websites of all types, from small sites for non-profits to multilingual enterprise solutions for large corporations.
Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS) which enables web sites and powerful online applications to be built. With millions of websites running on Joomla, the software is used by individuals, small and medium-sized businesses, and large organizations worldwide. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular web site software available.
e-Commerce and Business
Web based business applications include e-commerce systems (also known as shopping carts) for running sales websites, customer support systems, and project managers.
Magento provides the scalability, flexibility, and features for business growth. Merchants using Magento have complete flexibility and control over the presentation, content, and functionality of their online channel.
Features:- Analytics and Reporting: Useful reports such as Abandoned Shopping Cart Report and Best Customers Report by Total and Number of Orders.
- Search Engine Optimization: URL Rewrites give full control of URL's Meta-information for products and categories.
- Site Management: Control multiple websites and stores from one Administration Panel.
- Catalog Management: Batch Import and Export of catalog, Google Base Integration, and Downloadable/Digital Products.
- Catalog Browsing: Layer/Faceted navigation for filtering of products, Product comparisons, and Product Reviews.
- Product Browsing: Downloadable Products, Multiple Images Per Product, and Product Image Zoom-in Capability.
- Mobile Commerce: An iPhone optimized interface is included.
- Checkout: One-Page Checkout and Guest Checkout.
- Shipping: Shipping to multiple addresses in one order.
- Payment: Multiple payment options, and Configurable authorization and capturing of funds.
- Customer Service: Feature-rich Customer Accounts, and Order Tracking from Account.
- Customer Accounts: Re-orders from account, and Recently ordered items.
- Order Management: View, edit, create and fulfill orders from admin panel. Create one or multiple invoices, shipments and credit memos per order to allow for split fulfillment.
OSClass is an application that allows you to quickly create and manage your own free classifieds site. Using this application, you can provide free advertising for items for sale, real estate, jobs, cars. Hundreds of free classified advertising sites are using OSClass.
Features:- Easy to use interface.
- SEO friendly.
- Themes.
- Plugins.
As web applications become more and more sophisticated, modern web 2.0 technology such as Ajax and Rich Internet Applications offers significant usability improvements and makes interacting with the web interfaces faster and more efficient. We've compared a lot of frameworks and come to the conclusion that ExtJS is the best framework for TomatoCart.
We completely rewrite osCommerce 3 administration site based on the qWikiOffice project which is a web desktop implementation of the ExtJS RIA framework. Web desktop application mimics user experience of desktop Operating System, offering features and applications similar to a PC environment. Users can easily start to work with TomatoCart without any difficulty.
SugarCRM is a premier customer relationship management application. Sugar Suite brings a new and effective way to better acquire, sell, service and manage customers, helping companies increase revenue by being more organized.
This is the free open source version of SugarCRM. More features are available in the commercial versions.
Photos and Files
Photos and Files includes image galleries and other applications that assist in the management of website images, music, videos, and other multimedia.
Gallery is the next generation of open source photo sharing web applications. Gallery gives you an intuitive way to blend photo management seamlessly into your own website whether you're running a small personal site or a large community site. Hundreds of thousands of people and organizations are using Gallery to create personalized photo albums on their websites.
With Gallery, you can easily create and maintain albums of photos via an intuitive interface. Photo management includes automatic thumbnail creation, image resizing, rotation, ordering, captioning, searching and more. Albums can have read, write and caption permissions per individual authenticated user for an additional level of privacy. Give accounts to your friends and family and let them upload and manage their own photos on your website!
Piwigo is a photo gallery software for the web that comes with powerful features to publish and manage your collection of pictures.
Features:- Privacy on your Photos. Make your photos private and decide who can see each of them. You can set permissions on albums and photos, for groups or individual users.
- Photo Tagging. Offer your visitors another way to browse your photos, starting from the tags cloud and using multiple related tags to reduce the selection.
- Browse by Date. Digital cameras store the date in the photo and Piwigo uses this date to display your photo collection in a calendar and let you browse from day to day.
- Statistics and Management Tools. Administrators can browse history, process photos in batch mode, validate comments and user photos, add permalinks or manage remote servers.
- Themes and Plugins. Change appearance with themes. Add features with plugins. Extensions require just a few clicks to get installed. 350 extensions available, and growing!
Surveys and Statistics
Surveys and Statistics includes different statistical applications that enable website traffic to be monitored and analyzed, and polling and survey applications can be used to query the views of website visitors.
Advanced Poll
Advanced Poll is a polling system with powerful administration tool.
Features:- multiple polls,
- layout templates,
- unlimited poll options,
- IP-Logging,
- IP-Locking,
- comments,
- vote expiry,
- random poll support and more.
Aardvark Topsites
Aardvark Topsites is simply the best top sites application there is. Features: pageview counts, hits in and hits out, members ranking, and customizable templates.
Contact forms, clocks, e-cards, URL shorteners, and other novel applications.
webtrees is a genealogy program which allows you to view and edit your genealogy on your website. webtrees works from standard GEDCOM files, and is therefore compatible with every major desktop application. Furthermore, it has full editing capabilities, full privacy functions, supports multimedia like photos and document images, and has tools to simplify the process of collaborating with others working on your family tree.
Search Engine Project
TSEP (The Search Engine Project) is a search engine for a website. You can put a 'Search this site' anywhere on your website and let people quickly find what they are looking for.